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Serve Teams
Called to Serve
Serve Teams are a space where you can use your gifts and passions to serve others. Scroll down to see which serve team you feel called in, then:
Click the title of the Serve Team.
Click the "ask to join" button.
Fill out the form.
The leader will be in contact with you.
"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
Not sure what your gifts or passions are, or where you feel called? Click here to join The Way and attend a four-step course where you will learn your giftings and purpose.
Volunteers sort foods, prepare food bags and solicit food donations in preparation for food pantry day/or pray with recipients, collect guest information, set up and clean up on food pantry day. This team mainly volunteers weekly on Thursdays, but is looking for support other days of the week as well.
GriefShare is a support group that meets weekly. Our leaders help create a warm, caring environment for those on the long journey through grief. GriefShare operates as a 13 week cycle but each session is "self-contained" so attendees do not have to attend in sequence. They are welcome and able to pick up at any point.
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